Ratiopharm L-Carnitine 20 Gram Weight Loss & Fat Loss Injection

Ratiopharm L-Carnitine plus CLA 20g 10ml weight loss and fat loss injection is a compound that combines two powerful ingredients, L-Carnitine and CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), to help the body burn fat and improve overall health.



Ratiopharm L-Carnitine plus CLA 20g 10ml weight loss and fat loss injection is a compound that combines two powerful ingredients, L-Carnitine and CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid), to help the body burn fat and improve overall health. L-Carnitine plays a crucial role in transporting fat to the mitochondria, where it is burned for energy. CLA, on the other hand, helps the body to break down fat and turn it into energy.

The injection provides a powerful boost to the body’s ability to burn fat, which can help with weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. It also helps to reduce fatigue during physical activity and improves athletic performance by reducing lactic acid build-up.

L-carnitine plus CLA weight loss injection is safe and free from side effects, making it an effective weight loss and health maintenance product. It has also been shown to improve fertility in both men and women. The injection promotes healthy brain, liver, and kidney function and improves overall health conditions by regulating blood sugar levels.

This product is suitable for both men and women who are overweight or obese and want to lose weight and improve their health. It has been lab tested to ensure its effectiveness in burning body fat and promoting overall health. The injection is easy to use and provides a safe and effective way to achieve weight loss and improved health.

Ingredients of Ratiopharm L carnitene plus CLA 20g 10ml weight loss and fat loss injection

The ingredients of Ratiopharm L carnitine plus CLA 20g 10ml weight loss and fat loss injection consist of:

  • L-carnitine: This is an amino acid that plays a crucial role in the body’s metabolism, helping to convert fat into energy. It also supports heart and brain function, muscle movement, and healthy kidney and liver function.
  • CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid): This is a type of fatty acid that is commonly found in dairy and meat products. It has been shown to reduce body fat, increase lean body mass, and improve overall health by reducing inflammation and improving insulin sensitivity.

Together, L-carnitine and CLA work synergistically to enhance weight loss and fat loss. This injection is designed to provide a concentrated dose of these ingredients, allowing for faster and more effective results. One box contains 10 injection sets, which can be used over a period of time as directed by a healthcare professional.

Benefits of Ratiopharm L carnitene plus CLA 20g 10ml weight loss and fat loss injection

Ratiopharm L carnitene plus CLA 20g 10ml weight loss and fat loss injection provides the following benefits:

  • Reduces new fat accumulation and helps you lose weight for a slim figure
  • Lowers body mass index (BMI)
  • Provides energy to the body
  • Strengthens muscle mass, resulting in a tight and fit shape
  • Breaks down fat cells faster in the body
  • Boosts the body’s metabolism
  • Reduces fat and blocks fat production
  • Improves liver and kidney functioning
  • Improves heart condition and reduces the chance of heart failure
  • Promotes healthy brain function
  • Reduces blood pressure and removes stress from the body
  • Activates energy levels, making you active every day

Instructions for use:
The recommended dosage for weight control is 1-2 vials of intravenous (IV) injection with normal saline water once a week.

Not suitable for:
This product is not recommended for breastfeeding or pregnant women, as well as individuals with allergies to any type of vitamin.

Country of origin:
The product is made in Germany.

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