Glutax 4000GS Skin Rejuvenation Soft gels

Glutax 4000GS Cell Rejuvenation Capsule 60s, manufactured by Dermedical Skin Sciences, contains glutathione, which is the body’s most potent antioxidant.



Glutax 4000gs Skin Rejuvenation Soft gels

Dermedical Skin Sciences, an Italian skincare product manufacturer, began as a single research lab in 1974 with the goal of finding treatments and cures for common and uncommon skin disorders. With seven research and development sites across Europe, the company has become a major developer and producer of skincare and beauty products. The company specializes in skin sciences and is committed to research and development to offer the most effective skincare products on the market.

Glutax 4000GS Cell Rejuvenation Capsule 60s, manufactured by Dermedical Skin Sciences, contains glutathione, which is the body’s most potent antioxidant. The capsules come in a 60-day bottle. Glutathione in Glutax offers several benefits, such as body detoxification, boosting the immune system, and improving skin health. It helps to remove toxins from the body by supporting the liver, kidneys, GI tract, and intestines. It also supports the immune system’s frontline warriors, such as T lymphocytes, to fight infections and cancer. Additionally, Glutax aids in achieving a radiant and lighter complexion and slowing down the aging of the skin.

Ingredients of Glutax 4000gs:

  • Each capsule of Glutathione contains 4000mg of the potent antioxidant
  • Also contains 300mg of Collagen type 1 and 2 to support skin health and elasticity
  • Includes 500mg of Vitamin C for additional antioxidant benefits and immune system support
  • Contains 100mg of Hyaluronic Acid to hydrate and plump skin
  • Includes 100mg each of CoQ10 and Selenium for their antioxidant properties and potential anti-aging benefits.

Benefits of Glutax 4000gs Skin Rejuvenation Soft gels:


  • Acts as a potent antioxidant to combat free radicals.
  • Whitens skin by regulating skin pigmentation.
  • Helps maintain healthy and radiant skin.


  • Fights and reverses the skin-aging process.
  • Reduces wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of skin aging.
  • Helps maintain healthy and glowing skin.

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C):

  • Helps in skin whitening.
  • Protects the skin from free radicals that cause skin damage.
  • Boosts the immune system and has anti-aging properties.


  • A powerful antioxidant that can resist and reverse skin damage.
  • Protects collagen and elastin within cells to make the skin appear younger.

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